"I dominated that era," Pedro began in the most succinct yet typically cryptic hilarious early moment of the Steroid Spring. "And I did it clean."
Leave it to Pedro, of course, to cut through the rubbish and get to the heart of the Cheat Clemens Controversy.
Everyone's Happy: Rick Peterson seems to be allowing his excitement to verge on the obscene - hope Willie's got something to clean the side of his pants off with later...
"This year, tell Jimmy Rollins WE'RE the team to beat."
An early surprise after only a day was not the rapid recovery of Duaner Sanchez, who we commend from afar for reporting in a semblance of shape this season, eager to prove and eager to put a miserable past behind him, but El Capitan, Carlos Beltran who took the unusual step not only of speaking, but speaking in bold and flagrant terms, albeit slightly unoriginally given the comments of NL MVP Jimmy Rollins last Spring Training.
Perhaps more impressive, rather than shrivel in horror at his remarks, Beltran merely shrugged at any potential controversy:
"I don't care," Beltran said. "They boo me in Houston. One more city won't make a difference."
There was no immediate reaction out of the Philly camp and you have to wonder: Are the Phillies Running Scared Already?
If you're looking for the early Poster Boy For Flab look no further than Phillies starting pitcher, Brett Myers, who doesn't appear to have run anywhere but the refrigerator all winter...Maybe the team was too busy eating and chewing to hear or respond to El Capitan's bold assertion of team leadership.
One man who must be incredibly relieved not to be in the purgatory of the Twins' Spring Training camp this season is the man oft-rumoured to be the bait to snatch Santana from the Twins, Jose Reyes.
He arrived early to Spring Training and not only that, he took the blame for the Mets September Meltdown. It wasn't ALL his fault of course but the Scapegoat Queue is pretty lengthy and Jose appears so relieved not to be a Twin that he's jumping ahead to let everyone know he's still here.
Reyes will be under the scope often and early in light of his horrific, sulking collapse last September, his failure to run out grounders and the misperception of a bad attitude that persisted most of the off season.
But he seems, at this early stage, as eager and optimistic as ever.
Yes, El Duque says he doesn't want to pitch in the pen - well Heilman's been saying that for years and look where it gets him. Bullpen has questions, Willie's managerial lustre which was never that much to begin with is dull and needing something tangible to brighten its colour, Carlos Delgado still has to prove himself, etc. Just pieces of the litany to keep the heady days from making us dizzy.
But of course all of this small potatoes compared to Johan Santana in a Mets uniform.
Not many will strike fear in hearts as fast as Santana in the East...
You have to figure that Santana's arrival not only saved Omar's bacon after a dreadful winter but gives Willie a prayer of lasting the season, gave Beltran a sudden gift for speaking in tongue and makes everyone in the Met world seemingly at ease and happy. Confident.
Last year's collapse was, like Rosemary's Baby, nine months in the making...
But now the Mets are waiting. They are gimpy already before the season's even started...
I have just received my subscription to Torn Labrum Illustrated which includes a fine calendar counting down the starts until either Pedro or Johan suffer irrevocable, season-ending damage.
On the other hand, I was brightened by Rick Peterson's photo taking matters into his own hands so to speak. Wonder if this too is his answer to Billy Wagner choke jobs in mid season.
The implications of that photo are simply too sickening to imagine...
it was a nine month thing, exactly.
that's why when the mets devastate the Phils in their first early season meeting, I will not be as smug as last year. Still smug, but guardedly so.
Torn Labrum Illustrated, sanchez? Why are you reading such filth? Are the hours in O.R. getting too long and getting to you? But at least an improvement over those days of yore when you spent days pining over the latest Torn Groin Illustrated.
Aye, IMFM - no fear of getting cocky this season, for sure. On the other end of the spectrum, I doubt even a 20 game bulge atop the East will satisfy anyone. Still, the baseball gods will have to reward us ultimately, for the greatest and fastest fade in recent memory...
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