We didn't lose, we just regained reality...
The game isn't even over yet.
Fuz Me Jedus
Not even 'cross the Ocean is the game over despite the time differences and I'm reading 8-0.
Sorry, now it's NINE to NOTHING
You want grasping at straws?
How about this? AT LEAST WE WEREN'T NO-HIT. Not today anyway.
We did squeak out three hits AND FOUR FUCKING ERRORS
And David Wright, spokemodel for the Armageddon, managed more errors than hits tonight.
And the game isn't even over yet.
I typed "stupid fucking losers" into google images and this is what came up:
Why not me?
And I could type one hundred or a thousand words about this every bit jab of pain of failure and if I were actually a Met, what would I do?
you know, on a fucked up night like tonight, crashing down to reality, at least you could give us some proper pussy photos rather than that jesus shit.
you're right, sanchez. I've put the fittest bird I could find, a proper pussy photo just for you and all our bad memories
looking at that pic of that chick I almost forgot we lost!
If I've gotta feel bad about another loss at least that one made me feel good.
Hey! Can we have a hand clap for humiliation? What are we, the fucking Nationals?
hey is there room enough on this ledge for me?
Haha Jaap it looks like you just alienated sanchez too! Don't worry, still bow to your facility with the google. I think I had that record in my collection back in my metal days.
At least we saw Davie-boy (5 errors) show a little anger when he went into the dugout slammed his glove, and then into the tunnel. But I'm way past that. If i was in that tunnel, i'd take Wright's batting helmet and show him what frustration-induced violence is all about!
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