Well, if you’re desperate for silver linings in clouds take solace. At least you won’t have to root for the Braves anymore.
And whilst the 10th loss in 14 games, the 7th consecutive loss at Shea Stadium was the worst of the 159 game old season, by far the most humiliating and worrying of the season, whilst the Mets have surrendered a 7-game NL Least lead and now stand empty-handed, tied with the dreaded Phillies for Phirst, there are still at least three games left in the season. Three games to redeem themselves. Three games to wake up from their collective nightmare. Three games to salvage what is at the moment, potentially the most degrading and demoralising collapse in baseball history.
Bring on the Marlins?
Don't Cry For Me Mister Met Fans...
Perhaps Pedro is the only blameless Met given how well Pedro pitched, how good he looked throwing 105 pitches giving up two earned runs.
But even the Myth of the Mighty Mr Pedro is depleted because the reality was, Pedro was outpitched at home by a guy named Joel Piñeiro.
Shut out by the team that eliminated them from the NLCS last season.
Shut out by the team fielding what closely resembled a minor league lineup.
Shut out by the team the Mets opened the season against by sweeping.
Shut out by the team that had been 1-9 on the road in September.
"We're gonna win this thing," Willie was alleged to have muttered to reporters after the most disasterous game of the Mets season.
Are we?
Well goddamn! Alright!
I sure want to see you win this thing!
Question now is, can you beat the Marlins?
And yes, even if you can, the position now is there is now guarantee it's enough any more. Now you've got to hope the Nats put up the kind of phight against the Phillies as they did in sweeping the Mets earlier this week.
So forget about losing with Pedro on the mound. Forget about losing a 7 game lead in the NL Least? Forget about the trajectory of the Phillies, who appear to finally be on the verge of Baseball God Repayment for their 1964 collapse? and have finally reached phirst place and finally appear to be the team to beat. Forget about how poorly the starting pitching fared against the Nats. Forget about how wretched the bullpen has pitched, how many winnable games were lost. Forget about how many months the Mets struggled at the plate and how they only woke up for the final month and now, with a game they needed to win against the Cardinals, yet again the bats fell silent.
Forget about how many months the lead should have been in double digits with how poorly the Phillies and Braves were playing by comparison and the Mets simply allowed these teams to stay alive by not putting together an impressive run all season.
Forget everything because it all comes down to three games at Shea to put things right.
This weekend is the Mets season.
I only wish I could be in New York and in Shea this weekend to scream my throat bloody and watch these Mets redeem themselves. Those of you who are, I sure hope you will be.
Ya gotta believe.
Don't let the Mets season end up looking like this!
Jaap, I'm with you man! Here's my prediction on how the weekend goes:
Friday: Nats and Mets win.
Saturday: Nats and Mets win.
Sunday: Who cares? The Mets have already clinched the NL East! Hahaha.
Just think of how much sweeter the NL East title will seem after all this bs to get through to get there!
i want to be in your lifeboat.
the lifeboat has room for fit birds to console ourselves with and hey, they're not even pin-ups!
Imagine that.
Well hopefully the weekend turns out well and all those feckin nay-sayers on WFAN can come running back with their balls in their mouths begging forgiveness for their momentary lack of faith...
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